Callerx for blocking incoming N900 phone calls
A new call-blocker daemon for N900 from Khuong Nguyen, Callerx, has arrived to help provide shelter from unwanted phone calls. Callerx is a simple calls blocker app daemon for N900, it blocks calls based on a simple whitelist.txt or blacklist.txt file in MyDocs folder. As the daemon currently lacks a configuration interface, users daunted by having to hand-write their own white/black-lists should probably steer clear. The adventurous among you can find it in Extras-testing.
Markets Today (stock tracking app) for Harmattan
For you aspiring day-traders out there Sudheer K has put together a financial markets tracker for Harmattan: Markets Today. Data source is Yahoo! finance. Any indexes/stock tickers supported byYyahoo are supported in this app. However, this is not a real-time quote-streaming application or a portfolio-tracking application. Assume at least 20 min delay for the quotes. The .deb is available from a link in the thread.
Nine Men's Morris game for Harmattan
Philipp Zabel has produced a version of Nine Men's Morris (aka Mühle) for Harmattan: to get acquainted with QML and Qt Components, I have hacked together an implementation of the Nine Men's Morris board game for the N950. Comments and suggestions would be very welcome. Except for the current discrepancy between the Desktop and N950 Qt Quick versions, development with Qt Creator has been very comfortable. There are a few kinks though that I haven't managed to work out. As the Community OBS' Harmattan targets and Apps-testing are still being set up, this is another binary deb being distributed manually.
Quano Parte port to Harmattan for monitoring departures/arrivals at Italian train stations
From Luciano Montanaro: Quando Parte is a small application that can monitor the Departures and Arrival status at Italian train stations. I have been developing it on the N900, and I am now porting it to MeeGo Harmattan. I have reached the stage where something can be shown, even if most of the stuff you can see is fake. Though the data displayed isn't yet actually useful, development is ongoing.
Quran application for Harmattan
Mohammed Hassan has started assembling a Quran reader using Qt Components for Harmattan: I started writing one already and I can now tag 0.1! The code is still rouch around the edges but it works fine. It's also my first QML application so the code is a bit messy. The code itself is GPL'ed. However, the data files and the font are not. It is currently only available in a .deb (we shouldn't need to worry about cautioning N9 or N950 owners), but there are, evidently, plans to get it onto the Ovi Store at some point.
DNC, Distrowatch News client for Harmattan user "cckwes" has announced a client for Distrowatch News for Harmattan, Distrowatch News Client (DNC). The .deb is available in the thread.