WarpTree UI Qt component and example file browser
Jos Van den OEver has ported WarpTree and CubeTest to Harmattan WarpTree is an intuitive UI component for navigating large graphs such as a file system or genetic tree. WarpTree uses a Qt model and hence is easy to use with any data model. CubeTest is a puzzle that helps to train spatial reasoning. Jos has been doing quite a lot of work updating the packages based on user feedback and his own development plan.
Faster Qt Creator development turnaround
Timur Kristóf writes about the unnecessary overhead involved in deploying an application for testing from Qt Creator to a device - in particular the packaging steps that happen with each iteration. Most of these steps are useless. If I want to debug my app and quickly see the changes I make and test them, I don't want any packaging at all. I want to make a package when I want others to test it too. Fortunately, the latest nightlies of Qt Creator do just this, and Timur's post goes into detail on how to obtain it and set it up.
Using camera & video in same QML app?
Nicolai Hess brings light to an unfortunate situation in the current state of QML applications in Harmattan - the inability to use QML camera and QML video in the same application. Several users came forward with suggestions, and it seems as long as the camera component isn't instantiated while the video component is playing everything should work properly.