Preview of MeeCast (from the people who brought you OMWeather) for Harmattan
Andrew Zhilin has put together a preview of the upcoming weather application for MeeGo, MeeCast. Brought to you by the same team that brought us OMWeather, the application has been reworked from the ground up: So let’s start with something you’ve been quite familiar with all these years and that got a complete overhaul to step onto Harmattan platform. It’s OMWeather and this time it’s not just a tweak of good ol’ weather widget – it’s a completely redesigned application so we had to choose some more “marketable” name for this OMWeather successor. Let me introduce you: MeeCast. Testing packages aren't yet available but, apparently, are on their way.
gPodder 2.18 in Extras-testing needs votes; and problems with package promotion?
Thomas Perl is looking for assistance getting the testing needed to get the latest gPodder update (which fixes issues with YouTube video downloading) through Extras QA. Thomas is also experiencing a strange dependency warning which could impact his ability to promote it to Extras when it comes time. gPodder 2.18 has been in Extras-Testing for some days now. It would be good to get some votes for it to get it into Extras, because it includes a bugfix that fixes YouTube downloads (users can't download videos from YouTube with the current version in Extras - this has been fixed in the version in Extras-Testing). Moreover, in the Extras-Testing page for the new package, it says "Warning: This package has missing dependencies!" for the dependency on "python-gtk2 (>= 2.12.1-6maemo10)". Looking at the Extras page for the old package[3] (which has the exact same dependency), the dependency is satisfied (in Extras) without problems. Why is that, and will that prevent me from promoting the new package to Extras once the vote limit is reached?