Woodchuck, delayed retrieval engine, ported to Harmattan
Via: @Jaffa2
Neal Walfield has ported Woodchuck, which we mentioned on the front page, to Harmattan and made it available to fellow N950 developers: I've finished an initial port of Woodchuck to Harmattan. To get it, you need to manually add the source repository. [...] The following packages are available: the Woodchuck server (package: murmeltier), the Python bindings (package: pywoodchuck) and the Glib-based C bindings (libgwoodchuck and libgwoodchuck-dev).
Developers looking to add Woodchuck support to their software should follow the extensive documentation; and contact Neal for assistance, if needed.
Bedside - a simple LED-style clock
Via: @Jaffa2
Editor: Andrew Flegg
Your editor has published a full-screen clock for Symbian, Harmattan and Maemo, with the aim being a simple LED-style bedside clock which should be easy to read in the dark, without your glasses on.
They've been submitted to Ovi for QA and publication in the store (free), but until that's sorted you can install the binary debs from the linked forum page.
XMCR: an XKCD reader
Via: @Jaffa2
Editor: Andrew Flegg
Simón Pena Placer has published an XKCD comic reader for Harmattan. XKCD is a "a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language" which veers between the insightful, the hilarious and the downright weird. Fortunately, those of us affected by an addiction to it (your editor included) can get their fix through the Ovi Store.