Football Live Scores for N9
Via: @Jaffa2
Editor: Andrew Flegg
"shockr" has announced his first application for Harmattan, live scores app for real football (soccer) matches from top European leagues. I intend to add support for more leagues as time goes on. It's available now in the Nokia Store.
ProfileMatic - automatic N9 profile changing
Via: @Jaffa2
Editor: Ryan Abel
User "ajalkane" has released ProfileMatic, which changes the notification profile automatically based on specified rules. At the moment you can change profile, and if it's the "ringing" profile also the volume, by specifying the the time when the profile is changed and the days when the rule is active. This is just a start, as I am also looking into adding for example location based rules for changing the profile. The only downside right now is that the application has to be open to change profiles.
ProfileMatic is currently available from the Nokia Store, source is on Github.
Open Video Player (same codecs, new UI) for N9 and N950
Editor: Andrew Olmsted
Stuart Howarth has released an initial version of Open Video Player for Harmattan. Some users have expressed dismay at the lack of features in the stock video player. The purpose of Open Video Player is to provide the features that are lacking in the stock video player, whilst maintaining a similar look and feel. The fact that it is FOSS will of course make further improvements easier. The new UI adds some theming options, additional controls, auto-rotation, and optional video playback while minimized among other features. It can be downloaded from the project page and installed alongside the stock video player without issue.
SportsTracker now available, for free, for Nokia N9
Via: @Jaffa2
Editor: Ryan Abel
The social-media workout tracker, Sports Tracker, which allows you to track workout and activity progress (including geolocation and heart-rate information) is now available for Harmattan. It's available from the Nokia Store.