Visual updates for gPodder on N9 under development
Via: @Jaffa2
Editor: Andrew Olmsted
Thomas Perl has started a visual update of gPodder for Harmattan. Screenshots of the progress can be found in his twitter post. The in-development restructuring of the gPodder main window on MeeGo Harmattan (Nokia N9). Please note the fixed-up layout (including section headers aligned to the cover art), the different "new episodes" highlight, the default icon for "All episodes" (which aligns it with the rest of the podcast titles) and the fallback icon for podcasts with broken or missing cover art (43 Folders).
Open source Password Generator for N9 available in Nokia Store
Denis Mingulov has published a password generator in the Nokia Store. Its main features are Localised everywhere. It works in any language - current active for the device is used, more than 24 languages are supported now by N9. True secure random number generator is used. Hardware's one.
Drop Cache for N9 flushes disk cache, preventing data loss and freeing memory
Denis Mingulov is also publishing a new application for Harmattan: Drop Cache for N9 - an utility to flush disk cache to prevent some data loss and to allow increase a free memory by dropping out an outdated low level cache (non-destructive). Free. Open source, GPLv3. It seems questionable to your editor whether "freeing" the cache will provide any tangible benefit. "Free" memory is wasted memory, and a lot of effort goes in to the Linux memory manager to make sure it frees cache memory for applications, as required.