Late - real-time public transit info for North America
Via: @joaoluisc
Editor: Ryan Abel
A new application for accessing public transit information was released last week by Jeffrey Malone: Late is a real-time public transit application for the Nokia N9 and N950 Harmattan phones. It works with any transit agency that uses NextBus and provides public access to their information. The NextBus website has a listing of transit agencies that use its system. Late is free from the Nokia Store.
Mobile check-in app for SAS (Scandinavian Airlines) now available to download for N9
Editor: Andrew Flegg
One of your editors is often scooting around Northern Europe, flying on "the world's most punctual airline" (*cough*). One of the advantages of this airline is the simple website-based electronic boarding passes, unlike other carriers like BA which require an app. Andrew Flegg has produced an app which embeds, scales and remembers details allowing quick and simple access to your flight details and electronic boarding pass. When launched, it will resubmit the remembered details; quickly allowing access when struggling to get through security for your next flight. The app is freely available in the Nokia Store, and is open source.
KhtSimpleText editor available for N9
Benoît HERVIER's simplified text editor, KhtSimpleText, (which offers plaintext editing support and syntax highlighting) is now available from the Nokia Store for free. client under development for Harmattan
Editor: Andrew Flegg
Matias Perez has announced he's been developing a client for Harmattan. In the days before Spotify, provided music on demand. In some countries, it's "similar music" mode is available without adverts and for free: It's very basic for now. I've started today to work on it and this is what I do for now. Not much to say. I'm planing to add this app to Nokia Store. But first I need some feedback. Your editor has tried it and, apart from issues resuming from pause, is very impressed.
USbS - Useful Standby Screen - gives configurable N9 sleep info
Editor: Ryan Abel
Talk user "ejasmudar" has released USbS which will display the output of a script on the N9 standby screen: The app is named USbS (Useful Standby Screen). It can display the output of any script placed in /home/user/USbS/Scripts/ on the LowPower Screen (when the device is sleeping). It works somewhat like a single widget of QBW on the n900 (albeit not as advanced!). The application is available as a .zip and must be installed using an installation script. Given the nature of the modifications and the lack of proper packaging it's probably best to handle with care.