MeeCoLay - run Harmattan apps on Fremantle
Via: @Jaffa2
Marcin Mielniczuk has announced a pre-alpha of an execution environment for Harmattan (i.e. N9) applications on Fremantle (i.e. N900): I wanted to keep it silent 'til I finish coding the library download client, but it became impossible. Today some people discovered a package called meecolay-core: 'these are the scripts which make running MeeGo Harmattan apps on Maemo Fremantle possible. They are based on the preenv ones.' It's still very early days, and not for the faint-hearted, but it's an interesting development.
Wazapp - WhatsApp client for Harmattan - is open sourced
Via: @Jaffa2
Editor: Ryan Abel
Wazapp, the WhatsApp client for Harmattan we've covered here previously, has been open sourced. The code is available on github under the GPL v2.
Eyrie - identify music you're listening to on Harmattan
Via: @Jaffa2
Editor: Ryan Abel
Eyrie, a new application for Harmattan to identify music based on mic input (think Shazam), was announced last week by Michael Sheldon: Eyrie is an application for the Nokia N9 and N950 phones that can find out information about music that’s playing nearby. It does this by making use of the EchoPrint algorithm to extract musical features from whatever you’re currently hearing. This is then used to find out the name of the artist and track from The EchoNest. Currently the database of songs accessible via EchoPrint fingerprints is a bit small, but it has the advantage of being an open database that anyone can submit fingerprint information to [...] Eyrie is currently only available as a .deb from the developer's website.
Billboard now in Nokia Store for N9
Via: @Jaffa2
Editor: Ryan Abel
Last week we covered Thomas Perl's work from the Hack-A-N9 meetup which displayed the currently playing song on the N9's low-power standby scren. Thomas has now packaged it into a proper application and submitted it to the Nokia Store: Billboard is available from the Nokia Store for $0.99/€1.00.