Inception updated to bypass "hole" fixed in Harmattan PR1.3
Editor: Andrew Flegg
Ready for the launch of PR1.3, Cyber Punk released Inception 0.2: The Nokia N9 is a sleek phone with a sleek OS. However, advanced users have often been frustrated by its limiting Aegis security scheme. Aegis, like many other systems, blocks many legitimate tasks beyond truly dangerous activity, and makes it difficult to customize your N9 to run on your terms.
Release 0.2 is 100% compatible with the new PR1.3 firmware update, and is expected to work with all other firmware versions (since PR1.0) as well. All users are encouraged to upgrade, as the new version provides new features and tweaks to keep you in control and malicious apps out.
It seems unlikely that Nokia will be releasing any future updates to plug the security hole that this version of Inception exploits, and it can provide a more convenient mechanism for truly getting to the lower levels of the system without having to install an "open mode" kernel.