Interview with Jussi Hurmola, CEO of Jolla
Via: @Jaffa2
Editor: Andrew Olmsted
IntoMobile has an interview with the CEO of Jolla, Jussi Hurmola. Jussi seems to be quite open in the interview, although there are of course things that he cannot or would rather not answer directly. One thing that was addressed quite well was the timing of the announcement. Stefan: Here’s a big question I have. Why did you choose to reveal Jolla right now instead of waiting until you had a phone or an operating system to show?
Jussi: Last week there was a lot of news concerning MeeGo and PR 1.3 for the Nokia N9. People started speculating if this was the end of the story. Is this the end of the line? Will there be anymore hope? If you look at our first tweets, what we basically wanted to say is that MeeGo is not dead. We got such a tremendous response from Twitter and the online community and even traditional media that we didn’t have a choice but to just go with it. The interview answers questions such as employees, funding, general device plan, and more information about the company in general. Your editor has been trying to keep from getting too excited over the news due to past experience, but hopefully it is a project like this that will draw a great community and allow people to feel part of something really special.