TizMee 0.1 launched - Tizen, HTML5 and Cordova web apps on MeeGo Harmattan
Via: @Jaffa2
Michael Sheldon has launched TizMee, which is designed to make it possible to run Tizen (and other) apps on MeeGo, supporting general HTML5 apps, apps using Tizen specific APIs and Cordova/PhoneGap apps (with some slight modification).
This first early release should support general HTML5 apps fairly well (although there are still a few that have issues), some aspects of the Tizen API (this is by no means complete however) and pretty much all of the Cordova/PhoneGap API.
It’s based around the Qt Cordova port with Tizen specific functionality implemented as Cordova plugins in a mixture of C and javascript.
Example applications, packaged from these platforms are included. This could provide a valuable source of applications for the N9 and N950 in future.