Development of Ubuntu Phone's 12 "core apps" starts with community volunteers
Via: @Jaffa2
Development of the twelve "core" applications for Ubuntu's Linux-based, deb-packaged, Qt-running, swipe-interface, phone platform started in earnest this week, with community designers and coders collaborating on Launchpad to start building the QML applications essential to the launch of the platform.
BlackBerry launch new phones with Qt-/swipe-based user interfaces
Via: @Jaffa2
It's been a long time coming, but BlackBerry (the mobile company previously known as "RIM") have launched their "BlackBerry 10" phones, with them being available in some territories - such as the UK - having them available for sale the next day.
Reactions have been mixed, but largely positive of the OS and devices themselves; it just remains to be seen whether it's enough.