Porting Harmattan apps to Sailfish and NemoMobile
Via: @jaffa2
Editor: GeneralAntilles
The Sailfish SDK was released a few weeks ago and developers have already been hard at work playing with it and getting their applications to run. thp has written up a guide about what's involved in porting Harmattan applications to Sailfish's Silica framework: As explained in the last blog post, gPodder is already running on Sailfish Silica Components. Of course, this has only been possible because Silica is quite similar in API design to Harmattan Qt Components [...]. But of course porting "from" Harmattan "to" Sailfish with no way back would be kind of annoying - either Harmattan gets dropped, or somebody has to maintain two codebases, something I'd rather avoid. So, just like in "good old" Maemo 4 and Maemo 5 times, the goal here is to convert a Harmattan-only codebase to Harmattan-and-Sailfish, so that both can be maintained in the same codebase and improvements to Harmattan benefit the Sailfish port and vice versa.