Ultimate MeeGo Dictionary
Attila Csipa tries clarify the confusion that can/will/does exist around the various MeeGo brands in a “MeeGo Dictionary”: There is quite a blizzard of very similar terms when it comes to discussing MeeGo and Qt matters, so I decided to put together a small dictionary which will hopefully clear up some terms and help follow up info on them. Don't worry if it's slightly confusing or contradictory at a first read, that's normal. The dictionary has now been put on wiki.meego.com so that it can be kept up-to-date with the latest terms.
PR1.2 hildon-desktop has random CPU eating bug when using menu sub-sections
One of the features of Maemo 5 has been the use of freedesktop.org standards for things like the application menu. This meant that applications like Catorise and MyMenu (and power-users) could redefine the menu structure to fit their own needs. In PR1.2, however, the default menu changed to a flat structure and, as a consequence, a regression in the sub-category code has been shipped: Hildon-desktop somehow flows into a non-blocking poll() loop because the poll() times out. It does not seem to wait for a real event anymore and start using more cpu that it should causing battery drain... The bug results in CPU spikes which can only be fixed by restarting the device, or restarting hildon-desktop. However, it does seem to be intermittent.
N8x0 3D accelerator running OpenGL ES tests
Carsten Munk has posted that he's finally had some success getting the OpenGL ES driver working on an N810: OK, step by step guide for my current setup, from a fresh N810 with openssh installed. You'll need the Graphics SDK stuff obviously. [...] You should now see spinning triangles with some stalls. In the x-terminal you'll observe a bunch of MBX hardware recovery messages. Hopefully this will help get things like the MeeGo Handset UX working on the N810, and maybe even N800.