OBS down for fourth weekend in a row, with no explanation
The MeeGo.com OBS is evidently down again for the 4th weekend in a row. Unfortunately control of the OBS seems to be limited to a single MeeGo IT person, which leaves us in a bad place both for situations like these and for the hit-by-a-bus scenarios. Given the Community OBS's reliance on the main OBS, the COBS maintainers' lack of access, and community contributors' propensity for weekend-hacking, this seems like a significant productivity killer.
Open source replacement for Maemo 5 clock application under development
Work on the Community SSU continues, despite the impending arrival of Harmattan to global retail markets, and every open source replacement for Nokia closed source code is a step closed to a better and easier to maintain CSSU for everyone. The slow march continues with another built-in closed-source application replacement. This time with Sven H's open source replacement for Nokia's built-in Clock application. Development is still ongoing, and it's currently only available as a downloadable deb, but any interested parties should consider lending a hand to both this open source application replacement and the larger CSSU project.
Token details for Harmattan Aegis security
Ronan Mac Laverty has updated the Nokia Developer wiki with details on the Aegis security tokens. The page lists all MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan and Platform APIs and Qt Declarative modules that require security credentials. Please do not add any unnecessary tokens to your application's Aegis manifest file.