Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard for Harmattan
Via: @Jaffa2
Editor: Andrew Olmsted
Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas announces Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard (VMPK) for Harmattan ported from Symbian. Pedro notes some advantages of having a real Linux base: When I was doing some research for the Symbian port, I've discovered that creating sound always used very large audio buffers, no matter the method, producing about one second of latency or more. This is unacceptable for a musical instrument emulation, so network MIDI was the only available option. On the other hand, the Nokia N9xx uses Linux, including ALSA and PulseAudio among other usual infrastructure, so the latency is not a problem and FluidSynth is a perfectly sound complementary addition to VMPK. The package can be downloaded from the SourceForge project homepage, and Pedro would appreciate any feedback from users.