Javier S. Pedro gets the N950 FM radio working
Via: @GeneralAntilles
Editor: Andrew Flegg
Javier S. Pedro has continued his experiments to get the N950's FM receiver chipset working, and has succeeded: "RADIOOOOOOOOOOOO I AM HEARING RADIO FMRX RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT FROM MY N950!!! [...] Yesterday I miraculously suddenly started getting FM sound -- via the digital audio path. After a few more tries I am now able to get it to work consistently. Success!
That day I had been playing with libresource as part of my experiments with SDL, and I realized that's the only thing that was different from other experiments. And indeed, the key is in ohm-plugins-misc. Within it is the magic opcode that was missing from my initial post and that correctly configures the digital output.
Further details on how the resource management system needs to be configured, and discussion about the possible architecture of an FM radio application continue in the thread.