Problems updating Dropian from Nokia Store?
Via: @jaffa2
If you are having problems updating Dropian the author, Bojan Komljenovic, and Nokia Store staff would appreciate some help in trying to narrow it down: If you have a problem downloading #Dropian from Store, help us and Store staff debug it by providing details: 1. Nokia model 2. Exact Error Message 3. Screen shot 4. Country/Network Operator 5. Device language 6. Connection Type 7. Phone Browser used
Bojan shares his email address in the third tweet if you can help.
unrestricted-system-ui for Harmattan updated with safe mode and LED support
Via: @GeneralAntilles
Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh has updated his extensible rebuild of the Harmattan system menu: Features:
* Safe mode, when sysuid segfaults or aborts, it restarts in safe mode (all plugins except stock disabled), this gives you a chance to fix/remove whatever you had installed (killall -11 sysuid to test, for fun)
* Merged arcean's LED support, install control panel applet using apt-get install duicontrolpanel-ledapplet.
To upgrade, reinstall using instructions in the wiki, just rm system-ui* before running any wget commands.
unrestricted-system-ui requires Inception or open mode to install and caution may be called for due to the low-level nature of the package.