Easy Chroot/Debian for Harmattan
Via: @RColistete
Editor: Andrew Flegg
Roberto Colistete Jr has continued alan bruce's work to bring Debian to Maemo-style devices with "Easy Chroot" and "Easy Debian". They provide an easy way to run Debian (armel) inside MeeGo Harmattan (without rebooting and dual boot) by chrooting a Debian image file. Full desktop Debian softwares are available : LXDE (desktop environment), OpenOffice, GIMP (image editor), Java (J2SE), Abiword (text editor), Gnumeric (spreadsheet), Iceweasel / Firefox (with Java and Flash), Icedove / Thunderbird email client, TeXMaker / LaTeX, many programming languages (C/C++, Python, Fortran, Pascal, Ruby, etc), Octave, Scilab, Gnu R, etc.
With the Harmattan SDK image, it becomes possible to develop and package on the device itself.