Setting up a development target for Nemo Mobile and Mer development
Via: @Jaffa2
Editor: Ryan Abel
Last week Johan Paul released a guide he compiled for setting up a development target for Nemo Mobile and Mer after finding the official documentation too complicated for novices. Nemo has already quite a detailed wiki page, but I felt like something was missing for a n00b like me. But thanks to w00t I managed to set up a development environment on my Ubuntu desktop so that I can compile and run the Nemo QmlContacts application. This blog post will hopefully clarify what's needed in order to contribute to Nemo apps in general.
Assistance available for those interested in porting Qt apps to BlackBerry & BB10
Via: @Jaffa2
Editor: Andrew Flegg
Ash Nazir, who runs MeeGoExperts and has been active in the N9 and MeeGo communities, recently took on a role as a developer liaison at BlackBerry - partially due to their continuing use, dependence on, and leveraging of, Qt. In a post on the Qt Project forums, he invites Qt Ambassadors or Qt Superstars with fantastic Qt Applications to port them over to our BlackBerry QNX Playbook and BB10 platforms.
Those interested in the weekly draw of a free BlackBerry PlayBook just need to join the "Qt BlackBerry and QNX" group and get in touch with Ash.