DocScrutinizer running for Maemo Community Council and Hildon Foundation Board
Via: @jaffa2
Editor: Andrew Flegg
Joerg Reisenweber has been nominated to stand in the upcoming Maemo Community Council elections by Ivan Galvez Junquera, and he has accepted: since I'm short of time right now (alas this won't change for whole term, I promise), I just like to post a "I accept" here, since ivgalvez pushed me by mentioning there's only 5h left to do so.
Plus I add a self-nomination for board, since I think there's much of synergy to be exploited and board is the more enjoyable position in my book anyway.
Joerg has been very prominent in curating an on-topic experience on IRC, facilitating the ongoing activities of the community (such as the Maemo 5 CSSU) and has been active on the mailing lists and TMO.
Woody14619 running for Hildon Foundation Board
Via: @jaffa2
Editor: Andrew Flegg
Craig Woodward has declared his candidacy for the board of the new not-for-profit "Hildon Foundation" organisation which is taking over the community "ownership" from Nokia: During my last run for Council, my stated intention was to increase the visibility and transparency of the operation of Council. During my term, I saw to it that there were weekly open meetings with minutes presented to the community on the Council blog (usually in a timely fashion). I also got involved in a number of other activities that were Council and community related, and hope that those efforts have been (and will continue to be) seen as positive steps taken to help the community.
In your editor's opinion, Craig has been the most active, visible and consistent member of the council in the past term; bringing a professionalism and transparency which has been lacking for the past few terms.
ivgalvez re-running for Maemo Community Council and standing for Hildon Foundation Board
Via: @jaffa2
Ivan Galvez Junquera is another member of the outgoing Community Council who is running for the board, and also looking to be re-elected to the Council: As current Council Member, I feel that I have the responsibility to help finishing the transition process to a self sustained NFP entity that we have started. I am one of the three signers in the articles of incorporation, with Woody14619 and SD69, and I think that I should help in the first steps of foundation as an independent entity.
Minutes of Maemo Community Council meeting, September 7th
Via: @jaffa2
Craig Woodward has posted the minutes of the open Community Council meeting. Topics include: Summary of meeting with Niels Breet; Council elections; infrastructure status; bylaws update The bylaws item also included a discussion around the involvement of karma in the bylaws. A full meeting log, as well as the minutes is also available.
Minutes of Maemo Community Council meeting, September 14th
Via: @jaffa2
Craig Woodward has posted the minutes of the open Community Council meeting. Topics include: Qt 5 core developer feedback on N9 awards; Elections; Update on bylaws; Foundation setup; OBS [and] collaboration with Mer
Minutes of Maemo Community Council meeting, September 21st
Via: @jaffa2
Craig Woodward has posted the minutes of the open Community Council meeting. Topics include: Elections; Bylaws updates; Legal status and paperwork; the next steps for the Foundation and Council; Foundatoin domain names and websites The ownership of TMO was also discussed, including making candidates for the election aware of the issues surrounding it.